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Chiping Dingli Steel Sleeve Co., Ltd.
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one touch coupler
End coupler
Bolt coupler
rebar coupler
Epoxy resin rebar coupler
Rebar Thread Rolling Machine
Steel pipe steel tube
cold stamping rebar splice coupler
40CR reducing rebar splice coupler
40CR rebar coupler / splicing
12angle / dodecagonal steel rebar coupler
thread rebar coupler / splice / steel bar sleeve
EPOXY COUPLER Robust and Durable for Bridge Buildings Steel Rebar Fastener S40
(Min. Order) 100 pieces
Grouting Sleeve Coupler Robust and Durable for Bridge Buildings Steel Rebar Fastener D40
(Min. Order) 100 pieces
EPOXY COUPLER Robust and Durable for Bridge Buildings Steel Rebar Fastener S40
(Min. Order) 100 pieces
END ANCHORAGE COUPLER Robust and Durable for Bridge Buildings Steel Rebar Fastener ED28
(Min. Order) 100 pieces
Epoxy resin rebar coupler
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Epoxy resin rebar coupler
Bay Engineering Rust and Corrosion Resistant Epoxy Resin Coated Steel bar Connector Mechanical Quick Joint Steel Coupler S32
Min. Order: 100 pieces
Bay Project Epoxy Thread Coupler Type S32
Min. Order: 100 pieces
Bay Project Epoxy Thread Coupler Type S28
Min. Order: 100 pieces
Green Metal Building Materials Products Epoxy Steel Connectors Steel Couplers Are Mostly Used in Underwater Bay ProjectsS20
Min. Order: 100 pieces
Metal Building Materials Bay Project Epoxy Thread Fasteners S18 Type
Min. Order: 100 pieces